19 DIY Recycled Plastic Bottle Gardens You Would Love

It is not easy to avoid the use of a plastic bottle. Daily, millions of bottles are disposed of, and a substantial number is recycled. This is very harmful to the environment. However, to enhance recycling, this article helps you with the process of coming up with something useful from the plastic bottle, which is a garden.

  • Requirement: plastic bottle, Knife, Nails, DIY, Garden soil, water, and seeds/cuttings
  • Prepare your bottle by creating a base. Lay the plastic bottle horizontal and make two horizontal stripes on the bottle using a knife and detach them. The flat cut accords a bigger plating area. This is the best time to apply DIY to the plastic contain and let it dry. After that, add a layer of garden soil and make a small hole at the bottom of the bottle to avoid water clogging. Then sow the seeds, seal the garden and watch the plant grow.

Reasons for plastic bottle gardens:

  • It is one of the perfect methods of environmental conservation through recycling
  • It requires limited space, and thus, anyone can practice it
  • It accords a house or compounds a live beauty with the plants or flowers grown
  • Require little water and fertilizer to maintain the crops grown
  • It is an affordable way to light up your compound with unique DIY colors applied on the recycled plastic bottle gardens
  • Besides, plastic bottles allow the owners to grow herbs/flowers/crops of their choice and thus guarantee unique décor and desired feeling

Check out the following nineteen small gardens built from recycled plastic bottles: